Modest celebrity

10 years ago when I was still a college student.
When I tried to board a plane to return to my parents’ home from Tokyo, I was surprised that a beautiful woman sitting in the front row was greeted by each person who was on the plane👀
After sitting in the seat and thinking calmly, I notice that the woman was fabulous TV personality MK✨✨
According to my family who came to pick me up at the airport, she came out while lowering her head by saying “Thank you always for your cooperation. ” when coming out from the arrival gate😀
I can understand that favor is important to the entertainer, but she was so nice and modest that I couldn’t do that much👏
Saying that “The boughs that bear most hang lowest”.
On the other hand, such a story was written in the essay of philosopher Shunsuke Tsurumi.
When he was a professor at the University of Tokyo, a colleague professor told me “Professor Tsurumi has left an overseas university.”
Inspite of the excellent person who teached at the University of Tokyo is excellent, it’s still strange that he had something like a complex for Shunsuke Tsurumi who graduated from Harvard University😧
I thought that because excellent people go up and meet more excellent people, they would be humble.
There is a word of Shunsuke Tsurumi that remains in my impression😄
It’s almost like this.
”Everything humans do include a dream. night sleep or work contain another forms of that looks far beyond the currently painful part, and I convinced of this now”.
There are various things every day, but I feel a little energetic when I think that all my actions are mixed with dreams💪